Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The world could end and I would not care is the thought that I have when I am so tired and the feeling that I get when I get bored is one of straight anger because I always hear life is great, so why was I born to be bored and lonely and fat and disgusting and filled with hatred and always meant to feel sadness everyday in an infinite cycle. The intense emotion of anger is what creeps in when I am bored and it fills me with energy, so much anger seeps out. Theses are just thoughts because I'm not bored yet.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dear Mr. Hurt ,

The film was very educational and I believe that you did something for humanity and that was to open the eyes of us, the youth and I say this because there has to be a force to change the way we live and I believe that the video is the first step. The real world is sometimes forgotten in the pursuit of money and for now we have to show that money doesn't bring happiness, Humanity does.

The movie held lots of interesting topics but the race issue should have been expressed because that word is powerful isn't it? The mention of that word infuriates me and that triples when a black person says it,wanna know why? The black people are the only one allowed to say it and if a kid says it without a thought, he is then a target, yeah a target. The videos don't say it, if my white little brothers who live in a diverse community become targets I am not afraid to show how much I hate that word. That word is said everywhere and I know one day someone is going to get hurt because of the videos, if that happens in my family, my hatred will emerge and we'll see what happens, won't we? Ha Ha Ha Ha ! Masculinity comes in many forms and hate is one.

I remember that I copied a black kid and said that word in middle school and he had the nerve to get offended, I don't use the word because I see it as disrespectful but everyone says it now and I will not permit anyone around me to live in fear. My parents fear for my safety so much that I am not allowed to go out unless to school or to family's house guess how that makes me fell? The hate for the artists Is rising and the world is killing my life because of them and for the sake of money. someday. I have no freedom because of the music the mind of a genius can grow if let out to grow, I'm afraid to go buy something because I feel like I don't belong in society Guess how that makes me feel? I feel anger and anger and anger and anger, I can't ask out a girl, I can't have a relationship, I can't understand anything. That's right I have anger. It's not awake yet but someday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beyond Beats And Rhymes

I'm a guy who gets "turned-on" by music videos like everyone else but the documentory Beyond Beats And Rhymes really opened my eyes to the fact that we as a creature on earth will one day go extinct because of the lust and violence in our world and only when we open our eyes can we survive. I know people who disagree with me but I'd like to say that what I saw was truly disgusting and that the students should definitely see this film so that we can grow not out of ignorance but of knowledge. The film shows that the music industry is wrong in some respects and that it is all about making money. The film is graphic and like t.v. we may see it as if it's nothing but you have to think what does it do to you and how it affects your life.

The film showed that the principles of our nation as changed so mush so that we are into violence and killing . The future can only consist of violence and killing. It is so evident that race is always going to interfere because that is all there is in the music of hip-hop. The future is hate.

The cop in the video said that it was a good day because there was no crime and the funny thing was that the video had caught people sexually harassing women. That got my attention.

The understanding of hip-hop that I had was not formed so it didn't change.

A good choice that the director made was to appear in the documentory as a character and this was effective because it made the video feel personal and made it more familiar. The bad choise was to have some unnecessary video shots and that is my analysis.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vampire Fixation

The right to live forever in a romantic, Seductive way where everyone is under my desires. The Right to feast in immortality, with the feel of love and desire the hunter of the night. The wish before death was eternal life. That was a dream and to think of it brings me back into hopelessness, cause I'm too old to believe in dreams. The way that Buffy portrayed vampires, The way Cirque Du Freak portrayed the vampires was the very reason for my fixation. The witchcraft that went with it and the power was what I looked for. That was the past and I guess we all have to grow up, don't we? Can we live forever, Why would we want to? I read so many books on vampires until I just gave up, why did I give up? I don't know.