Monday, March 9, 2009

Fear Is Power and Destruction

When you have fear you can use it to your advantage and therefore it is power. You can call it to raise your hatred and also turn you into a figure of ultimate power. Is this good? You may ask but there is something we must understand and that is we destroy what we fear and isn't that wrong? The true strength comes when you conquer your fear and that is why Fear is the emotion we can expect until death. Fear can bring the humanity of a person down but it can also save mankind or it could have. In the past fear propelled us to help others because we feared for other's safety and now the question is, where is the help of others and the answer is that once people stopped being afraid then they stopped caring for others and started living for themselves. I am not saying that fear is good and the concept of creating fear is wrong but we must understand that without one emotion we will eventually die out and life will be lived only for one's own self. The fear pushes us to act and without it we make mistakes, so I say we must realize our fears and work to neutralize them but not fully destroy them.

The concept of fear is dangerous because it can destroy the very humanity that it seeks to caution. Fear brings about competition and hatred not only for ourselves but for others. This causes fights, deaths and war. These topics are all alike for one reason and that is because of fear. We fear that someone else is better and therefore we must destroy them . Can we overturn the fear of others? Yes, but we must first dispel the anger and sense of superiorty. This can seem impossible. It can happen with learning and teaching, not only from teachers but from us to all people no matter race nor ethnicity. We are all equal and therefore we must treat others as if they are too. The only way to bring change is to work together and for this we need to befriend our neighbor and those annoying kids down the street. WE NEED TO SET AN EXAMPLE FOR THE FUTURE TODAY. Fear is strong and it shuts our lives down and I say FACE YOUR FEARS AND THEN TEACH OTHERS TO DO THE SAME. I want to follow a leader who can confront everyone and say we will live together in peace free from the chains of hatred and this is only done by someone who has faced all of our fears.

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