Thursday, March 5, 2009

Idle Thoughts On Racism

The perception that some races are rascist is true to some extent and that is what we all know but what causes it? It could be the ways we are brought up on the beliefs that our parents had or it could be that the people trying to shut it down are hippocrits always bringing it back. Examples of this are people bringing about the "N" words, it is still wrong to say it but black people say it all the time and if they want to stop racism then they should stop using it. The ultimate reason that the racism has survived to this day is because certain ethnic groups perfer to show dominance and blame other groups for their mistakes. The white racism was of past and people should realize that but that doesn't mean that they should forget it. The new racism that no one seems to see is the hostility that comes from colored people (black,latino,etc.) that don't seem to believe that people can change. I believe that music that uses race to further itself is the problem because it tells white kids and other kids to say the "N" word. I know from experience that when a kid says a new word, it has no meaning for them until they can get any reaction. The first time I said that word, I hadn't ever heard it before and I had repeated it from a black student. He felt threatened guess how I felt, scared. Was it my fault that I became racist because I repeated a word another student had said.

I am racist in my own way. I will never utter my thoughts but I can tell there are feelings that could bring hate from and others. The way to stop racism is to bring knowledge and understanding. That means unnecessary words such as the "N" word and words like wetback, paisa and even retard needs to disappear because it infects us to such feelings of hate and disgust which also brings violence. That is my perspective and if there are any comments please write.

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